Registration Number: AA 4828 Managing Director : Mr Basil Antony Perera Mobile No : +94 77 772 3239 E-mail: Assistant Manager : Mr Manjula Perera Mobile No : +94 77 324 6473 E-mail :
Meet the Team
Basil Antony Perera - Founder/Managing Director I am Basil Antony Perera. “Perera Tours” which is located very close to the Colombo International Airport is owned by me. I started my carrier in tourism industry in 1978 as a tourist driver. From that day with a very good knowledge about my country Sri Lanka I have made much successful tours safely and honestly for the tourists for these 35 years as a driver as well as a guide when needed. I have given my service for the tourists who arrived from all over the world, especially from Germany and Russia. For these 35 years not any single complain but more commendations. That is because how I made their journey more enjoyable and comfortable. You can see some tour routes what they preferred in the home page. But you feel free to plan your tour with my opinions to get maximum joy.
Manjula Perera - Assistant Manager